Building on the success of her previous releases which have collectively garnered over 170,000 streams, Merseyside / London songwriter Lois Levin unveils her latest Jazz-Pop single, ‘Sugar’.

Lois says of ‘Sugar’: “I was in love and excited and the thought of seeing each other again was like that kinda feeling you get when you want something really bad. My mind went to Sugar because I thought ‘finally I’ll write a catchy song that’s simple and easy to follow’. Love will do that you see, have you writing about condiments”.
'Sugar' pairs Lois' trademark vocals, that are smooth in delivery and rich in tone, with a shimmering array of slick Jazz instrumentation. The tinkling piano notes bring a magical touch that draws your attention in close while the strings inject a more expansive, cinematic feel creating a beautiful concoction.
We're delighted to bring you exclusive access to the brand new 'Sugar' music video Directed and edited by Corey Rid of La De La Studio.