The Palava’s new single ‘Lie to me’ is, in essence, a reflection of their career, exploding immediately into a catchy, summery, Indie Rock chorus. Fully embracing the surge in nostalgia for the 2000s, they could sit neatly at a table between The Strokes and Arctic Monkeys, that is if they would sit neatly. It’s more probable that they’d bounce noisily through thick guitar riffs and swinging drum beats to create their own table.

‘Lie to me’ is certainly about creating something new, blending pop beats with longing crescendos, flirting with a gritty, raspy undercurrent. This distinctive sound is earning The Palava a reputation not just in York, where they formed, but throughout the UK, their distinctively Northern rhythm feeling like an anthem for York, and a ballad of appreciation for those outside to sing.
This new single, summery and catchy, is just the start of an explosion bound to flourish into something unmissable.