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Lucas Allburn

Norwegian Indie Pop songwriter Bo Milli releases infectious new single 'I'm In'!

Emo pop is huge right now. Be it Olivia Rodrigo tearing up the charts or Charli Adams and Jetty Bones making some of the leading the line in the aesthetic market of husky voiced women singing about broken relationships over hazy production.

To some, Norwegian singer Bo Milli’s latest single ‘I’m In’ might fit comfortably into that canon, but when that buzzy electric guitar tone saws through on the hook, it becomes clear that she’s aiming for a much more expansive sound than most of her contemporaries. The hook is a monster thanks to the roiling guitar groove that erupts forth from a well-timed tempo change. Euphoric is the only world for it and it’s a perfect companion to Bo Milli’s sweet vocal delivery.

Her writing is coloured by sincere optimism; living through the struggle in a relationship to come out better on the other side. There’s an aspirational quality to the lyrics as she talks us through her inner monologue about whether they can change for the better and strengthen their bond going forward. This offers a refreshing emotive depth to such a melodic track.

Billie has a new EP on the horizon and if it follows in the same vain as this new single then we can safely say 'We're In'!


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