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Liverpool Grunge Rocker Tender Claws releases debut single 'Anglerfish'!

Just like the dark depth living of its namesake, the debut single from Liverpool Rock songwriter Tender Claws, 'Anglerfish' plunges into the murky undercurrents of sound, opening with a wave of gritty distortion and deep, resonant vocals that set a moody tone.

The interplay between the different guitar lines is what instantly grabs attention as the rhythm guitar builds up a dirty fuzz of Grunge-toned attitude while the lead guitar provides an equally menacing, but much more melodic flow that provides a wonderful contrast.

Everything about the instrumentals is deep and powerful, conjuring up a dark swagger that encapsulates the Tender Claws project. A fantastic vocal range is showcased throughout dipping between gloomy Grunge sentiments, soaring Rock calls and eery, ethereal backing harmonies that add an angelic melody to the backdrop, beautifully playing off the overarching dark tones.

A really immersive Rock track that announces Tender Claws to the scene!

BOOT FEST - 45 (1).png
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