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LIVE REVIEW: South By Zero @ The Bread Shed, Manchester

Ben Hacking

Local Manchester based band South By Zero recently graced the stage of The Bread Shed for their biggest headline performance to date. Making a name for themselves through their hook filled melodies and incredible vocal harmonies, South By Zero have garnered a loyal following with their amazing performances and personable social media platforms.

Photo Credit: @daycatt

The band were also joined by the amazing country singer Grace Kelly with her full band and the 14-year-old singer songwriter John Denton to kick off the night. Both acts brought an immense amount of skill and personality to warm the audience up for the coming headliners.

Battling through minor technical difficulties, last minute venue changes and even the storm filled skies themselves, one could have expected the band to struggle to maintain their usual highs - but South By Zero showed no apparent signs of getting the message. 

Delivering a fun-filled performance the band took a tour through their best tracks, going from the intimate heartfelt songs of past loves to the dance infused new releases. Lead predominantly by the incredibly talented Matthew Bawtree, the band’s usual beautiful vocals were once again on show, with their angelic 3-piece harmonies acting as a testament to their musical skills.

However, where front-man Matt was the main focus, vocalist and keyboard player Emma Halpin had her share of incredibly fun moments on stage. Showing off her stage presence, she weaved ‘phone calls’ and bubble blowing antics into her already characterful performance, and with rumours of more solo work coming soon it’s all good signs for Emma and the band’s future musical endeavours.

Photo Credit: @daycatt

With South By Zero bringing a polished and personality filled online presence to their loyal fans it could be easy to get lost in the playfulness of their social media antics, but the band are always ready to remind us why they are such an important act to follow. This night was no different with South By Zero reaching above and beyond their already high standards to give us all a night to remember as we await their next releases.


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