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LIVE REVIEW: Courteeners @ Jacaranda Baltic, Liverpool

Bryn Evans

Indie giants The Courteeners recently took to The Jacaranda Baltic for a wonderfully intimate performance. There is an undeniably long wait for the band to emerge on stage, with the crowd beginning to hum 'What took you so long'. The talking is deafening as the anticipation builds. The lights go off and out walks Liam Fray. "How are you my Liverpool cousins?" says Liam, armed with his acoustic guitar, before he swigs a glass of wine... then the first few notes of ‘How Come’ echo around the place. 

Photo Credit: Michael Clement

He is on top form with an acoustic guitar in hand acting like a conductor as the crowd sing back every word and every note. Playing fan favourites like ‘Acrylic’ and ‘Smiths Disco’ which the crowd eat up even if the songs are older than some of those singing along. 

Elina Lin (keys) is welcomed to the stage as the songs are starting to become complex and she shows her expertise. ‘First Name Terms’ goes down a treat whilst the crowd do PIXEY's part. ‘Hanging Off Your Crowd’ leaves no dry eye in sight as Liam's stellar vocals ring through everyone’s ears. A cover is always welcome at a Teeners gig so ‘It Must Be Love’ just slots right in. 

Next to come to the stage is Daniel Moores (guitar). ‘Sunflower’ is an unlikely addition to the setlist having been a B Side on the ‘How Good It Was’ EP but its nostalgic charm is more than welcome. Several songs are played off the new album ‘Pink Cactus Café’ from the titular track to ‘Beginning Of The End’ and ‘Sweet Surrender’, which the crowd sing all the words to even though its only been out a week. Hearing the album tracks live gives them a new lease of life as each member of the band shows the intricacies of the tracks. Liam's vocals are the strongest we've heard from him in a long time too!

Its not a proper Courteeners gig if ‘Not Nineteen Forever’ isn’t played. In its acoustic form it still radiates the vigour of the original and the crowd give it there all with the band drowning under the sheer volume of the noise. As the band are ready to take their leave, the crowd bellow for one more which the band are enticed to do so. ‘What Took You So Long’ bows them out but Liam doesn’t even need to sing as the crowd do it for him.

A fantastic stripped back performance that showcased the raw emotion and melody at the heart of Liam Fray's songwriting.


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