Hailing from Hartepool, Solo songwriter Luke Dawkins AKA Dawks creates passionate music that radiates a greater emotive depth than your average Indie hitmaker. Whether he is covering topics of love, loss, mischief or grief, which all feature in his upcoming EP 'Blissful Friday Nights', he always manages to pour his heart into the tracks leaving a poignant impact on the listener.

His latest single 'Friday Bliss', which teases the release of the full EP, does just that! Of course, it does have a wonderfully punchy Indie rhythm and feel-good, nostalgic melody but what instantly strikes you is the passionate in Luke's vocals. They have a soaring, brightness to them that rings of American and Australian coastal bands such as The Terrys which has a coming-of-age charm to the melody and a heartfelt tone in the delivery.
Sonically, the punchy hit of the drums drives a fantastic energy while the loose, jangly guitar riff has a warmth and uplifting progression that sets you up for the joyous chorus filled with shimmering synth textures and infectious vocal lines.
This track is an uplifting summer hit that had made us super excited for the EP.