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Generation - INTERVIEW

If you are suffering from some lockdown boredom and slipping in to the Autumn lull then we have just the sound to shake you down and get you raring to go once more. Scouse-punk duo Generation are back and as bold as ever with their gritty tribute to youthful angst, 'Suicidal Champagne'. Their new single is the first off their upcoming mini-album of the same name. We caught up with the Punk-rock brothers to see what they have in store for us in the coming months.

"Concert square looking like a scene from Caligula at 5 in the morning"

Firstly, why ‘Generation’ ?

"We wish we had some life-changing story as to why we chose the name

Generation, but we don’t. We were young and foolish and had a song called

Who Loves This Generation? You do the math. Maybe we were naive enough

back then to believe that we could cure the ‘Generation’ of apathy with nu-punk

music. We actually hate it, but we’re kind of stuck with it. There are worse

things in the world."

What can we expect from the upcoming album?

"Abrasive, immature, underdeveloped and really rather short songs about

coping with being a teenager on the brink of adulthood. In retrospect, it’s an

album that we made as a means of personal therapy. It’s hard ‘becoming an

adult’, we’ve kind of adapted to being over the age of 19 now though. It’s an

album about a certain place (Liverpool), at a certain time (2015-2016), and

certain people living their own experiences."

How come you chose the title track as your first single? Does it encapsulate

the feel of Generation?

"I think it just made sense, as it was the first song from the album that we wrote.

It’s a song that celebrates the beauty and consequences of underage drinking.

Basically just us gloating about getting served. There is a deeper layer really, in

that we found alcohol helped us cope with our anxieties, until we found it was

not a fix-all problem."

The new single really does feel like a celebration. Filled with a youthful hunger for life and a no-nonsense instrumental force, the chorus erupts from the heart. Full throttle expressions born out of angst and frustration. It is clear from their unadulterated sound that their music is used as an expressive release, not merely a collection of riffs and lyrics but a channeling of their basic desires to have a fucking good time with music!

"Again, music is just a great medicine. We don’t into a song thinking about what

we’re going to write about, it just happens - and something, somewhere is

inspiring the song, directing the narrative. A lot of this album is about

observations we made as teenagers - concert square looking like a scene from

Caligula at 5 in the morning, for example."

How long have you two been playing music together and has working

together ever put a strain on your relationship?

"We’ve been playing music since we were kids, even if we didn’t realise it. We’d

be smashing guitar hero and rock band, then gradually that developed into a

high school band, which - through trial and error - turned into Generation.

We’ve skipped a lot of hardships there, but who cares. Our earliest memory of

‘performing’ is probably on our family holidays to Devon skids, We’d put on

shows for the adults and do comedy skits, sing - you name it, we did it. Best

gigs of our lives those. There’s a running joke with every bandmate we’ve ever

had about our relationship. Being brothers is hard enough, never mind in a

band. We are extremely close, but we argue all the time, and we mean ALL the

time. Usually we’re best mates again after 5 minutes. Punch-ups are rare,

though they do happen occasionally."

On the other hand, do you think your relationship has impacted your sound,

spirit and image?

"There’s no question about it. The push and pull nature of our relationship

affects every aspect of what we do, particularly live shows. You can feel the

angst between us sometimes, but it works - the energy is elevated to another

level, then we go out afterwards as if nothing happened."

How have you missed live music and is it an important aspect of Generation

as a project?

"Dearly. Like we have no eyeballs and missing thumbs. Take two overactive

brothers from having somewhere to output that energy and stick them into a

lockdown and the result is mania. We’ve been writing loads though, so every


...And we have been missing live music as much as anyone!! What better way to kick off the new year with the restart of what makes our lives tick...some sweaty underground gigs where we can let loose, enjoy new music and get back to normality. What better city is there to be in when all of this happens?

"Liverpool has helped us in a kind of backhanded way. We as a people are quite

defensive, and don’t warm easily to ‘out there’ things. This attitude from people

towards us has helped develop ourselves both as people and in our musical

careers. If you’re looking for an easy way to make it, Liverpool is not your

answer, but you’ll sure learn a lot on the way if you do it here. People will always

be honest and make life difficult for you, and that is meant as the greatest of


You can listen to the our favourite Liverpool tunes including Suicidal Champagne and MORE!!


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