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ALBUM REVIEW: Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dogs Out

Sam Horsfield

'Who Let the Dogs Out', the Lambrini Girls’ debut album project, is a Punk-Rocking panacea to the world’s ills.

In 2023, Phoebe Lunny and Lilly Macieira proved themselves more than competent at taking a guitar-shaped knife to the throat of modern-day problems, something they’ve been able to accomplish once again with their new album. Pick your problem: the disgustingly common sexual harassment of women in the workplace? The infuriating exasperation of dealing with a toxically masculine man? The dystopian displacement of victims of gentrification?

Photo credit: John Gottfried
Photo credit: John Gottfried

This is only a handful of the concerns that Lambrini Girls tackle in this new album, with brilliant sarcasm, mocking the perpetrators of these social woes. 

On a musical level, it perfectly captures the beautiful dissonance that the best of Punk Rock uses to showcase an unfiltered rage at a society that continues to disappoint. This album is consistently fast-paced and will have tapping your foot and nodding your head along wherever you may be, not only in agreement with the songs’ sentiments, but also at the addictive energy that drives the album with powerful guitar riffs and the melodic bedrock that is Lilly's bass lines.  

Sonically, the album takes an insightful, 17-second break from the emphatic whirlwind where we hear wise words from activists Kwame Ture and Angela Davis in criticism of the capitalist system that chugs away at the heart of most of the world’s issues. It acts as an important pillar and an apt summary of the album, before we’re hurled straight back into a critique of nepotism in the music industry and the poverty-porn many of these “nepo-babies” feed off. 

Ultimately, 'Who Let the Dogs Out' is a glorious F-You to a faulty world and greets the year with a Punk attitude we should all take forth with us into 2025.  


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