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Writer's picture Amelia Averis

ALBUM REVIEW: Biig Piig - Bubblegum

A soft, melodic and delicate vocal over a fast beat and synthetic chords is becoming extremely popular as a genre and is fore fronted by female artists. Nia Archives, PAZ, PinkPantheress, and Biig Piig are just a few of the girls leading the genre that combines Electro Pop, Tech, and Drum and Bass elements with dreamy feminine vocals.

Biig Piig’s debut album 'Bubblegum' uses all these recognisable themes. Both psychedelic and dreamy, the vocals are put over drumbeats or synthesisers creating rhythmic songs that are able to be enjoyed and translated to an array of different vibes – such is the emerging genre.

The lyrics are deeply emotional and personal and are a drum and bass, feminine answer to Bassline or Speed Garage that is mostly dominated by male DJ’s, artists, and MC’s. The album is dreamy and the electronic and Drum and Bass influences mean it is anything but boring. Biig Piig’s use of synthetic sounds give the effect of almost being underwater, in a dream, or a psychedelic space.

'Liquorice' and 'Picking Up' are extremely reminiscent of artists like Nia Archives, combining 4x4 beats that slows and quickens in a beat-drop fashion with the Dream Pop that we often see ruled my female artists. 4x4 as a genre retains the core elements of DnB through warping bass and female vocals, and we can see that Biig Piig is diversifying her discography by introducing this to her album.

'Liquorice' uses an extremely repetitive drum sequence and vocals that fade in then out almost immediately creating a danceable, yet lucid, track. The album has a trippy quality as it oscillates between high and low energy whilst keeping the same psychedelic style. Biig Piig’s sometimes inaudible words become suggestions of lyrics that sound like they are sang underwater or from a great distance. The album in this sense nods to the rave scene as even in sober listening it gives the effect of being under the influence of psychedelics, alcohol, or other substances.

The video to 'Picking Up' includes drug-use, trippy visuals, sporadic and jumpy film, and colour-altered pictures to create the effect of substance use while the visuals of 'Kerosene' are cartoonish, unreal, virtual reality images to create the effect of a trip and dream like experience.

Kerosene’s style, aswell as taking influence from the upcoming female Speed Garage genre, is reminiscent of summer-electro House/Tech. A bit like KAYTRANADA’s album '99.9%'. 'This Is What They Meant' and 'Ghosting' are more reminiscent of her original style which is more Electronic infused Dream Pop like 'Oh No' and 'Sunny' – her tried and tested popular style. The album is completely diverse and combines popular genre influences with Biig Piig’s original sound and style. A fantastic debut that showcases her wide ranging appeal and growing development.


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