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Æves - INTERVIEW/EP Review


After their separate projects began to disband, the two creators (Molly and Matt) of alternative pop duo Æves, came together to bring their love for art/music to life. This eternal, symbiotic relationship between music and art is something that they have used to their advantage. Layering their psychedelic image against the backdrop of an uplifting pop sound, to drag their listeners into the abstract Æeves microcosm. They believed that this artistic element is becoming an increasingly vital part of music once more, "or at least I think it should. Art and Fashion are something I’ve always been interested in. When I think of music combined with art and fashion, I automatically think of David Bowie and Lady Gaga both of them are a staple of that and I want to be like them someday". You can see, even from their photography, that they don't view this project as a platform for quickly-written pop songs, but rather as an expression of their creative nature.

Their debut EP 'Desire' (Listen here), especially our personal favourite track, 'Wild Hearts', perfectly showcases this carefully crafted aesthetic. Their creation process sounds incredibly simple, "we sat down with our friend and producer Marc Walloch and talked about our influences and shared some lyrics and a viola... We had our EP!". However, they also explained how "Some of the lyrics are politically driven...we were watching the election go down and had some things we wanted to say, Wild Hearts was that song". It is here where their artistic flair really comes through. The song reflects the need for music at such desperate times as these, combining melancholy vocals with a blissfully uplifting riff, it provides a 4 minute break of tranquility from the surrounding chaos. The other two tracks on the EP, 'Loaded Love' and 'Haunted' follow in the same vain, dealing not with the extremes of emotion that we are fed by Hollywood film, but the natural quiddities of life we all actually experience. By magnifying these minute emotions that we all endure, and transforming them into such satisfactory music, makes this EP perfectly suited for those moments when you just don't feel yourself. Lie out... and let the Æves sound resonate. We guarantee you will emerge, feeling a better person.

Not only do they have a strong image and a wonderful ability to create audible emotions, they also have faith in their project. When asked if they felt their sound would be welcomed by the modern development of music trends, Matt responded "I really hope so! We definitely have our own style while also paying homage to our favourite artists. I'd like to think we're on the cusp of something great." You can't really argue with their optimism, as their refreshing brand of psychedelic dream-pop has arrived at the perfect time. With bands such as SPINN and The Orielles creating similar concoctions, it is clear that this EP is just what the modern audience wants right now!

Æves music recommendation: The Faim -Saints of the Sinners

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